What I'm learning about myself....
I always thought I knew the path that my life would take. I had it all planned out from the time I was a little girl up into my very early twenties. I would meet someone, fall in love, get married, live in a big beautiful house, have 2.5 kids and a dog. I would be a career woman and a supermom. A loving devoted wife.
I lived a pretty jaded life and the first time that things didn't go according to my plan and the next, and the next, my rose colored glasses slipped off my nose and crushed underneath the foot of reality. Cold hard reality started sinking in and it was everything I hadn't planned.
It's funny how we have these plans and dreams tucked away in our heads but God is the only one with the master plan.
He holds the blueprints and carefully maps our steps. Every blessing, every celebration. Every stumbling block and every last trial. He knows our story from start to finish.
We should always dream our dreams. Dream big dreams. Pray. If God sees fit, he will make those dreams come to pass but only in his perfect timing.
He will fulfill what he has planned for me; that plan is just one of the many he has Job 23:14 GNB
What am I learning about myself now that I'm older and wiser?
I put too much pressure on myself and the ones I love. I realize that I need to relax more and let what's going to happen, happen. If things don't go as I think that they should go, I need to take a deep breath and roll with it.
I need to grab those lemons and make a big sunny pitcher of lemonade.
If I could go back in time and visit with my 20 something self. Tell her what I know. I think she would have to pick her jaw up off the floor.
I would tell her that the life you think you're going to have is just that. A thought.
I would show her the scars and the ashes but I would also show her the character it produced and the new beauty breaking forth into abundant growth in my faith. I would show her the bad things that God re purposed into amazingly rich blessings.
I would put my arm around her and tell her that the house isn't big and it's had it's share of unexpected "projects" but it's full of love and great memories.
The career, well... It did a 360 spin and even though it's not where I want to be, I've met some pretty special people that I'd never have met had I not taken this unexpected turn.
2.5 kids decreased to just one but he is the sweetest, caring, loving ball of energy and I can't imagine my life without him in it.
Supermom....I'm not even sure now that I want to live up to that moniker. I'm not perfect. I make mistakes. I get impatient, I raise my voice, I forget to send milk money and sign the agenda that comes home nightly. However, I try to make a point to let my hair down and be silly with my son. Make the simple things count as memories. Because its not all about big Disney vacations.
Backyard bonfires and road trips to hike at Old Mans Cave seem to hold more weight than an over sized mouse and overpriced fun.
On being a loving devoted wife. I would share with her that marriage takes lots of hard work. That it's a lot of give and take but mostly give. Children change things for awhile. You have to make time and you have to be present in your relationship. Being selfless is key. Communication is so important. Prayer is essential!
Hey, if there is one thing you got right honey, It's the dog! She's a sweetheart and loves us unconditionally. She watches over our boy and our home and she will be so hard to replace.
I refuse to be bitter and resentful because things didn't turn out like I expected. It's shaped who I have become.
And really, if things went as I had planned, I'm thinking I may have gotten pretty bored. No excitement! You have to have a little sense of adventure to live your life to it's fullest.
So, when things don't go the way you've expected them to, take heart and know that the Father has a reason and a plan. Soon enough you'll find out the who when and why.
People may plan all kinds of things, but the Lord's will is going to be done. Proverbs 19:21 GNB
Linking up today with The Faith Barista :)
photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/dawniecakes/5769684226/">dawniecakes</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/">cc</a>
"I would show her the scars and the ashes but I would also show her the character it produced and the new beauty breaking forth into abundant growth in my faith. I would show her the bad things that God re purposed into amazingly rich blessings." I love this, Krista! Just think, if everything turned out just as you planned, you wouldn't be offering this kind of comfort to us today. :)
ReplyDeleteAw, thanks Trudy! I'm so glad things didn't turn out as planned too!
ReplyDeleteSome days the journey isn't easy but we have Christ to carry us through!
So glad you stopped by today! :)
LOVE this section: "I would show her the scars and the ashes but I would also show her the character it produced and the new beauty breaking forth into abundant growth in my faith. I would show her the bad things that God re purposed into amazingly rich blessings." So beautiful, my friend! Great post.
ReplyDeleteAww, thanks Natalie! :)
DeleteI am so thankful that His vision is so much vaster than ours! He sees all, knows all, and His plans for us surpass anything we could have imagined on our own!
ReplyDeleteYes and Amen!
DeleteThanks for stopping by HisFireFly! :)
"I realize that I need to relax more and let what's going to happen, happen. If things don't go as I think that they should go, I need to take a deep breath and roll with it."
ReplyDeleteThat's a lesson I still have to preach to myself over and over. One day I hope to get it! Thanks for sharing your wisdom of growth through the years. It's nice that age does come with benefits. :)
Me too Lisa. I'm always preaching this to myself. ;)
DeleteI'm nearing "the top of the hill" and starting to feel like there really are some benefits that come with it all (despite the aches and pains lol) :)
Thanks for stopping by!
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