

Holy Growthspurt Batman!

We are all on different legs of our journey in this life. Going through different seasons. Some may be walking in abundant showers of blessing while others might be in a parched and desolate place. God has shown me (while walking through this season) that:

1) I can't stay where I am and be effective


B) Faith without works is most definitely dead!

On the drive home today I was praying "God, I still haven't sat down and put a post together. I've got some ideas jotted down but I'm not sure it's what you want!"

I drove silently.  Mostly because my stereo is on the fritz but sometimes it's nice to just hear the hum of the engine and the crackle of pavement under the tires.

I started thinking about my son and how he is growing up. Also, that if he doesn't stop growing for a minute we're going to have to hit the store to get him some new clothes. He's barely gotten a chance to enjoy his clothes he got for Christmas!

We noticed that he has been hungrier than normal lately.  At first, I thought it was because he had been playing a lot of basketball and was burning more calories. Then, my mom made mention last week at how he had been snacking a lot after school.
His ankles are starting to peek out from his khaki pants and jeans. I looked at my husband and said "I think we've hit another growth spurt!"

When we are young, we go through growth spurts. Our clothes start to "shrink" as we grow and we can't get enough to eat.

If you think about it, We as believers also go through spiritual growth spurts. We can't get enough of God's word and his presence. Our faith grows and our old self begins to shrink.

I've decided that I'M going through a spiritual growth spurt!

I feel closer to the Father now more than ever. I feel his hand guiding me up the steady climb of this Journeys mountain. I hold his hand as he helps me through the rough places.
When I'm tired and feel like I don't have it in me to continue on, He is right there next to me. He steadies my steps and nudges me to stop and take in the view.
Looking back over my shoulder, I see where I've been.

The boulders that should've crushed me are all behind me now.

I'm still climbing and I'm definitely not where I want to be but I'm on my way there!
If I look up, I can actually see the mountain peak in all of its majesty. I can finally see it and it feels amazing!

Have you ever taken a step of faith to follow a dream? If so, where did it take you?

Obey the Lord and serve him faithfully with all your heart. Remember the great things he has done for you.  1 Samuel 12:24 GNB

Linking up with Bonnie at The Faith Barista ~

photo credit: <a href="">wishymom (Stephanie Wallace Photography)</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>


  1. "When I'm tired and feel like I don't have it in me to continue on, He is right there next to me." Such beautiful encouragement, Krista. And I love how you say God nudges you to look at the view of where you've been, that "The boulders that should've crushed me are all behind me now." I need more of that looking back, not at what did crush me, but at what should've but didn't because of His great mercy. Thank you!

    1. Thank you Trudy!
      I used to look back and wonder why God allowed some of the hard times to happen. I know realize that it's made me into the woman that I am and maybe my experiences will be able to help someone else not feel so alone. :)

  2. I love this analogy of a spiritual growthspurt. How wonderful that you are on one! I've found that they mainly come for me at the tailend of a hard season. Knowing that still doesn't make me look forward to hard seasons, but it does make them more tolerable. May God continue to bless this time for you!

    1. Thank you Lisa :)

      Yes, this growthspurt has come at the tailend of a hard season. I agree with you about not looking forward to the hard seasons. Knowing that "this too shall pass" does make it a little easier to tolerate. :)


  3. visiting via Faith Jam. I'm a week late visiting you, but here I am! To self-shrinking and spirit growing. Amen.

    1. Thanks Jeri for stopping by! ;)

      Have a blessed weekend,
