The weather was beautiful this past weekend in my part of the world! The snow is all but a memory (I hope) and the sun was shining! The robins are chubby and making their nests and the spring flowers are starting to bud.

My son had been playing outside enjoying this first real day of spring. I was upstairs putting some laundry away when I heard him burst through the back door yelling "MOM WHERE ARE YOU?!!" I ran down to the kitchen to meet him with muddy shoes and a great big smile. "LOOK what I found!" In his hand was the most delicate purple flower. They've popped up at the side of the house ever since we moved in almost 10 years ago. "It's for you." He smiled as he held it out for me. "Its SO pretty!" I said as I made over him for thinking of me while he was out playing. "I can bring you more, there are a bunch of them out there." He says. I told him that I would get my favorite bud vase that my Mucca had in her china cabinet. "Lets just leave the other ones for everyone to enjoy." I tell him. Back he went to explore the back yard for the first time (without snow) in months.

Later, in the evening, I was making dinner and went to move my bud vase out of the way for fear I might break it until.... it slipped right out of my butter fingers and broke. "OH NO, not my Mucca's bud vase!"  I started to pick it up and noticed that it didn't shatter, it broke clean in two pieces. I feel confident that my husband can fix it with some super glue. It just goes to show that things were definitely made sturdier way back when!

We all have a little bit of broken in our lives. Broken hearts, broken resolutions, broken relationships, broken dreams.

I keep having this vision about brokenness.

I see myself as a child. My inner child maybe. She has an armload of broken dolls and toys. She knows exactly who to run to. He will fix them. He will fix her.

"I assure you that whoever does not receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it." Mark 10:15

Linking up today with Bonnie Gray  The Faith Barista!

photo credit: <a href="">whosdadog</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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  1. " She knows exactly who to run to."
    Yes! Yes indeed.

  2. So glad your vase can still be fixed. :) "She knows exactly who to run to. He will fix them. He will fix her." Amen. Thank you, Krista.

    1. Me too, I need some more handpicked flowers to fill it with! ;)
      Thanks for stopping by Trudy!
      Have a blessed day,

  3. Don't you love super glue? It's come to the rescue several times in my house too. :)

    This, this is truth:
    "I see myself as a child. My inner child maybe. She has an armload of broken dolls and toys. She knows exactly who to run to. He will fix them. He will fix her."

    1. Super glue is awesome unless you get some on your fingers and happen to get them stuck together... lol! ;)

      I love how we can run to God with our brokenness no matter how many times we break and he is right there, ready to mend us again and again.
      Thanks for stopping by Lisa!
      Be blessed,
