Energy Balls!

Drawing close to cycle three and looking for a snack that is healthy, tastes good AND has chocolate chips in it!

I found this recipe about a year ago. I made it a few times but found that we liked them so much we went a little overheard. This is a once in a while treat.. You could have this for breakfast or a morning snack. Just remember to stick with having one portion or you'll get yourself into trouble like I did.

There are so many variations of these you could add nuts and dried cranberries if you wish. I would just be mindful of the added sugars. I know the 17 day diet says honey is off limits but, personally, if you eat these once in a great while to add some variety to your diet, I don't see where it would be terrible.

This makes one batch:

1 cup dry oatmeal

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/2 cup peanut butter

1/2 cup ground flax seed

1/3 cup honey

1 tsp vanilla

Mix ingredients together cover and let chill in the fridge for half an hour.

Once they're ready, roll them into balls of 1" diameter.

Store them in an airtight container and be sure to pop them back into the fridge for safe keeping.

Makes 20-25 balls.

Do you have any "once in awhile" meals/snacks that you like to enjoy on occasion?

Do you make your own granola or energy bars? I would love to hear your ideas and recipes!

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