Hi there, I'm Krista and so glad you stopped by!
I'm a working mama, married to my high school sweetheart, beginning to navigate the tweenage years with our only son (seriously, where does the time go?).
I started this blog because my passion is with pen and paper. i.e. I love to write! I also declare chocolate as my love language of choice! Oh, and coffee would have to be a close second! (wink)
Proverbs 31 has always been near and dear to my heart because, the woman of noble character is who I strive to be in my faith walk. Most days I fall completely short of this, and I'm not afraid to share with you that I'm not perfect. That's where God's grace comes into play. I tend to write about grace a lot. Maybe that's because it's always available to us and I want everyone to know that it's never too late to come into relationship with Jesus.
You see, the way I see it, it's not about your background, your upbringing, your social status, or the color of your skin. It's all about that relationship.
Allowing Him to lead you and sometimes carry you when the road gets rough.
When we get to the place and can see that the past does not define who we are, we are truly living grace.
I've walked through some rough waters, and allowed Him to carry me in times when I wondered why he would allow such tragedy to occur.
I've met some special friends and kindreds along the way. My hope is that He uses me to encourage you, show you that you aren't alone and that He loves you no matter what!
Special thanks to my soul sister, Janelle, my dear sweet hubby, and my parents for encouraging me and loving me and pushing me to do what I love!

*Special thanks to Evie Dry of Treasured Moments Photography who took some great photos to spruce up the blog.