These thirty one days have all been about my family making and surviving a lifestyle change. We've changed our eating habits, started exercising more, we've gotten a bit off track but jumped right back on. You've been walking with me through this and I hope it's inspired you or made you feel that you aren't alone. We all have our ups and downs when we make a change like this.
Truth is, we made it through 3 cycles of the 17 Day diet. We decided that we've learned new habits we want to continue. However, we both decided that cutting out carbs completely, is not for us. We will continue to choose healthy proteins, fruits, and veggies but also choose healthy whole grains to compliment some of our meals.
We will choose to have desserts and treats but, they don't happen every night. Once in a while is our new rule.
My jeans are getting looser and I can see some definition in my muscles again! I'm making it a point to get up and move more! I make excuses to get up from my desk at work more often. As the weather turns cold, our walking path at work will probably get used less and less. It doesn't mean we can't choose to walk inside or, climb the stairs a couple of times instead.
Our son made a comment that made me realize this plan has benefited him too. His class typically passes out birthday treats at lunchtime he says. Evidently, there had been a couple of birthdays in one week in addition to some festivities surrounding right to read week. I was cleaning out his lunch box after dinner one night and noticed he hadn't eaten the cookie I packed. When I questioned him about it, he said "Mom, I had too many sweets today and didn't think I should eat my cookie. It just didn't even sound good!" I tried to play it cool but inside I was turning cartwheels! When does a kid say "I've had too many sweets"? Ummmm, usually NEVER!
I honestly think he gets it and he is learning right along beside us. He sees us make mistakes but he also sees us get right back on track.
Here's to a new week and a fresh start!

Your son certainly is learning from his parents' example, Krista. :) Bravo for him! I love the phrase in the photo! Blessings and hugs!
ReplyDeleteAw, thank you Trudy! :)
Delete(((HUGS))) and blessings to you too my friend! :)