Well, we're almost halfway through the 31 days. How's your momentum?
Do you have days where you feel like tossing in the towel? What motivates you to keep on keeping on?
Feeling a little bummed. When we finished the first cycle, we had each lost 10 and 11 pounds. Once we started on cycle two, we each gained about 5 back. Granted, this cycle we were celebrating our birthdays and family reunions. I'm sure the cake and cheat meals didn't help. *This diet doesn't really allow cheat meals until you get to the fourth cycle. We modified it a bit because, who doesn't want to celebrate their birthday right? And we both kept following the plan up to the cheat meal and jumped right back in afterwards.
It amazes me how the body works. You completely cut back on your carb intake only allowing just a small amount on that first cycle, and the moment you let something "carbolicious" pass your lips, your body goes into "lets store this stuff for later, this chick ain't letting us have this like she used to!" The scale mocks you the moment you step on. You can hear it Tsk Tsking you. Odd thing about it, my clothes are still feeling looser and I've felt all around better. I guess this will help around the holidays. Knowing that iced sugar cookies and pecan pie can really make our bodies hang onto those carbs for dear life might make me second guess having some.
Speaking of the holidays, Halloween ya'll. It's coming! I know a few that do not celebrate or choose to do harvest parties and trunk or treat. However you celebrate, Do you have a plan in place in regards to your kids Halloween candy? Or you know the people at the office that bring bits of it in at a time and sit it on their desk to get rid of it? Those tempting bits of goodness. And you know chocolate IS my love language! It talks to me! I hear it calling to me from the vending marching down the hall!
In all seriousness, I can get into real trouble this time of year. First it's the Halloween candy, then it's the pumpkin/Thanksgiving feast, Christmas cookies, candies, dinner, and of course let's not forget New Years parties serving the leftover cookies and toasting with some bubbly drinks. It's like a three month groundhog day!
I'm starting to think I need to plan ahead. How am I going to get through these next tempting months of goodies and rich comfort foods?
Halloween, I have decided I am not going to raid my son's bucket O' candy. Yes, I've been guilty of raiding it nightly after he goes to bed leaving him wondering how he ate all of the good stuff so fast. (our neighborhood does it up right and gives out full size candy bars and the good stuff to boot!) I'm going to try not to touch the stuff. Hey, maybe this year, I'll have him pick out a small sampling and then we'll take the rest to his dentist who usually offers a cash reward for so many pounds of candy.
Thanksgiving, if you're like me you may have 2 or more Turkey day dinners. I remember way back when, we had to go to TWO in one day. Talk about feeling crummy! Because, who wants to hurt the cooks feelings eh?
Eventually, we've split ours and been able to feast on two separate days. BUT, whatever shall we do with all of that butter and gravy, pumpkin, pecan, turkey, sweet potato goodness? Well, I'll tell you! (wink)
I decided to take over my family dinner a few years ago. You see, my dad had a heart attack and more recently a stroke. His diet is very (should be) restricted. I have been able to make a Thanksgiving dinner that is yummy and quite healthy for all of us to enjoy. My husband usually smokes a couple of turkey breasts or a small turkey (there are only 5 of us total), I make a healthy sweet potato casserole. This one has no sugar or marshmallows and it's still great (I even eat the leftovers for breakfast)! I do a green bean casserole using low sodium soup, we do mashed potatoes and rolls. For dessert, I do make my grandmas green jello salad (with the pineapple, marshmallows and cream cheese). Yes, it's full fat but once a year, and a small helping is ok in my book.
Pumpkin or apple pie is also served. I may enjoy a glass of wine with my meal because well, wine!
The other feast we attend is typically a pot luck and nobody counts the calories, sodium, or carbs. This, is the place I will have to be mindful. Fortunately, someone always has a veggie tray and a fruit plate. The real kicker is the dessert table. You see, my mother in law loves, loves, LOVES, to bake and make goodies.. I wish you could try her amazing buckeyes. Holy wow ya'll! Usually, it is full. Rice Krispie treats, pumpkin pie, pecan pie, buckeyes, apple cake and sometimes no bake cookies. Just looking at this table could send you into sugar and carb frenzy! This time around, I'm going to eat a nice healthy breakfast. I'm going to eat an apple and make sure I'm getting my allot ed water intake beforehand. If I arrive a little full, I hope to be less likely to make poor choices. I will go for the turkey, skip the gravy, I will hit up the veggie tray and skip the noodles. I will take a dab of potatoes and green beans, I will skip the rolls and butter. For dessert, I will pick ONE item and only allow myself ONE helping. No going back for seconds unless I hit that veggie tray back up! I've heard pumpkin pie is the wiser choice when deciding between pecan and pumpkin. However, if I'm only choosing ONE, I may opt for my favorite.
How are you planning to navigate the upcoming months of feasts?
Join me tomorrow and we'll tackle Christmas and New years!