Tonight as I sit in a quiet living room. Hubs is finishing up some work, my son is memorizing his bible verse of the week and I'm breathing in the sweet air from fresh cut grass, listening to the birds cackle and chirp as the sun slowly slips below the horizon.
Those sounds and smells quickly bring back memories as a little girl.
Mama used to tuck me in when It was still light out and I would lay there watching the shadows on the pale yellow walls. The birds tittering and singing their evening songs as they settled in for the night. The cool evening air sweet with fresh cut grass.
Late evening rides on the weekends. Listening to the hum of Daddy's 70 Chevelle. Windows down, cool air weaving through my hair, the peepers harmonizing a familiar tune.
We get so busy in this adult life. Sometimes I think my smartphone takes precedence over "my people" and embarrassingly my God (blush).
When did we get too busy for a moment of peace and quiet to just listen and reflect? Soak in those familiar sounds and smells, letting them remind us of the innocent days.
"Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and lea
A word in due season.
We had the pleasure this week of meeting with our son's pastor at school.
Our meeting was nothing less than amazizng. The reassurance and love that he showed our son warmed our hearts and spirits. The advice he gave was spot on and I felt that in some ways it could apply to me and maybe even you!
1. Be consistent. Reading your bible, spending time in prayer, memorizing a verse that relates to your problem/situation.
2. Share. Tell your loved ones what you are feeling and why you are feeling a certain way. "Because" doesn't answer why very well (even though I bust out the "because I said so, that's why" at times.)
3. Look. Look for God in EVERYTHING. He's there, you just have to find him.
We all left the meeting feeling much better and we now have a good plan of attack when things begin to get a little unsettled for him.
A person's words can be a source of wisdom, deep as the ocean, fresh as a flowing stream. Proverbs 16:27 GNB
Linking up and creating spiritual whitespace with Bonnie Gray at The Faith Barista!

photo credit: <a href="">Tom Haymes</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
photo credit: <a href="">Mark Wassell</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
Love your heart Krista! This verse has been in my spirit lately too.
ReplyDeleteThank you Natalie! :)