
How's that for spiritual whitespace? (Wink)

I know that many of us have experienced more of the white stuff than we'd care to But you have to admit, it is kinda pretty.

Just wanted to share some chatter and pictures since I haven't been up in a few weeks.

I guess you could say i'm making up for lost time?

Some changes coming very soon and I"m super excited about them.

The blog is getting a bit of a makeover! should be up very soon so, keep checking back and let me know what you think. ok?

Thinking of working on a new feature and blogging often about getting fit and making healthier decisions.

Maybe we can cheer each other on?  I know I could use a little help since my accountability friend is gone.

Still think about her daily and I could use a little help when there's treats around. She always kept me in check when we were faced with the occaisional office treats. Now, I have to imagine her looking over at me, sideways glance, "We don't need those cookies (donuts, pizza... etc), we're doing too good to let our guard down!"
It's harder now, not having that motivation.
So, maybe I can write about some healthier things and you all can jump in and together we can start living healthier and make our temples stronger!
I would like that!

You know my love language is chocolate but coffee, has got to be next in line.
I found this cute mug at Target for $1.99 and couldn't pass it up.
Today I had to snap a goofy pic and share. Also, it made me think of my friend, Natalie at goodgirlstyle who I might add just got a poem published in the New Yorker!  That, still gives me goosebumps and makes me smile!

"Dear Coffee. I love you. THAT'S ALL."

The last significant snow, my son and nephew (and the Hubs) walked out to the middle of the lake (I decided it was way prettier looking at this from the warmth of my living room window). Frozen pretty solid, of course. The people that come to ice fish, are going gaga for this weather. Most nights and weekends the shantys are everywhere!

You can see lots of tracks out to where they like to set up camp.

Oh, and I've just started in on this new book! "Hope for the weary mom. Let God meet you in the mess" by Brooke McGlothin and Stacey Thacker.

I seriously thought I was the only mama struggling with "things". The only mama that feels extremely inadequate most of the time, the only one that doesn't like crafts. I like to look at them but I am not good with anything crafty...(that I know of) I'm willing to try though!
 Looking so forward to reading the rest of this amazing book and sharing my review with you guys real soon!

I hope you all are enjoying your weekend! It's been snowing here since before dawn and it hasn't stopped yet...

He spreads the snow like a blanket and scatters frost like dust.
Psalm 147:16 GNB


  1. Hi Krista! It's good to see you back here again. Love the picture of you with the coffee mug. :) That must be so hard when you were so used to seeing your friend at work each day. I hope the pain of losing her is less raw than it was and that you're learning to cope. Hugs!

  2. Aww, thanks Trudy! I know they say time heals all wounds... I would say time has helped but there are still moments that I miss her like crazy! She was one of those friends that just knew what to say no matter what.
    It's amazing though, we're now starting to see the beauty and the good that's come from such a terrible tragedy. I stand amazed at how He always does this! (even though I should know better because he always turns beauty out of the ashes... sometimes you just have to look for it a little harder!).
    Glad you stopped by today!
    (((HUGS))) back to you! :)

    1. So glad you are starting to see the beauty coming out of the ashes of a terrible tragedy, Krista!

  3. Krista,
    I chuckled at your comment about observing from a warm spot... I can relate :-) Sorry about the loss of your friend...Thanks for introducing yourself over at my blog via Holley :-)
