While shopping at Target this weekend I found something so nifty! I can't believe I've never seen these before! Typically, I drag the family through Wal-Mart to grab the essentials priced lower than our local grocery. This weekend I just didn't feel like braving it and there was this sweater I caught a glimpse of on Insta. Had to see if my Target had it and in my size!
Well, the sweater was there but unfortunately, it was not my size. I guess it just wasn't meant to be. I was a bit bummed but what I'm about to show you, got my attention and I all but forgot about the sweater.
These snack baggies! Oh my word, where have they been all my
I could NOT wait to put them to use! This will definitely cut down on measuring cups for dry cereal, fruit, almonds.... just about anything! When I first looked at them, they reminded me of those bottle liners for baby formula! I'm so excited about these baggies, I want to go back and stock up on more! It's the little things right?
On another note, it's cold and allergy season here in the midwest. Outside of tea with honey, how do you soothe a sore throat? We're downing the Onguard gels from DoTerra, taking our vitamins and drinking lots of water. However, I think the farmers harvesting the corn this past weekend have made us all a bit sniffly and scratchy. Happy Fall!