Because we're all just diamonds in the rough.
I've become quite taken with this quote. I started thinking about diamonds and how we really are a lot like this beautiful gem. Have you ever been curious to know how diamonds are made? I'm not talking about the lab created diamonds most of us are wearing on our fingers, around our necks, or our ears. I'm talking about the organic nature made stones.
Diamonds were formed deep within the earth underneath the mantle (didn't know I was going to be all scientific did you?). What I've gleaned is, it gets ridiculously hot and there is a ginormous amount of pressure. When the heat and pressure combine with the carbon material diamonds are formed. These precious stones forced to the earths surface via volcanic eruptions.
Can you see how we're alot like diamonds?
- formed in the "secret place" in the middle of the earth, (My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth.Psalm 139:15 NIV)
We experience the pressures of this life all the time!
- We are refined by the fire of the holy spirit (This third I will put into the fire; I will refine them like silver and test them like gold. They will call on my name and I will answer them; I will say, ‘They are my people,’ and they will say, ‘The Lord is our God.’ ”Zechariah 13:9 NIV) and brought to the surface covered in sediment, maybe dirt and ash.
- We surely aren't shaped in a perfect diamond. Because, when we are found we are covered in sin and completely misshapen. BUT GOD. Just like the diamond miner, he spots something shiny. He carefully chips away at the rock and sediment around us. Chipping off what is dead and not producing light. Carefully, he extracts us and examines us (Test me, Lord , and try me, examine my heart and my mind;Psalm 26:2 NIV).
- He smoothes off the rough places, shapes us (giving us many light reflecting facets) and holds us up in his hand (So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.Isaiah 41:10 NIV) to examine his handiwork.
I've been mesmerized by the lyrics to a favorite (new) song.
I wanna magnify Your light/I wanna reflect the sun/ Cut like precious diamonds/ With colors by the millions
~ Light Shine Bright, Toby Mac
Shining bright for his kingdom,

Linking today with Bonnie Gray's #OneWordCoffee
Hi Krista, I'm your neighbor over at Bonnie Gray's #OneWordCoffee today. I loved your word-picture of God holding us up in His hand to examine His handiwork, in parallel with the Isaiah 41 passage. What a precious way to see that Scripture! Thank you for sharing this today, it brought sweet encouragement to me! --Blessings to you
ReplyDeleteThis is such an encouraging analogy, Krista. Thank you. I looked up the song as I haven't heard of it. I especially love the lyrics you mention here including the ones in the photo. :) May we magnify God's light! Hugs!