Recently, we walked through a pretty rough season, my little family. We didn't share details with just anyone. You know what happens when you start sharing very personal things with too many people right? not good.
Outside of our Pastor and a trusted friend we clung tight to Jesus and prayed our way through.
It's interesting when you get sideswiped by life and you feel like "I'm the only one going through THIS!".
As we shared our situation with a trusted friend, she began to share with us how their family went through something extremely similar. It gave us hope to keep trusting God.
So, we pulled out our spiritual umbrella. Big enough for anyone going through life's unexpected storms to fit under. Under His wings we found refuge and in His word we drew from the truths that would speak freedom to our situation.
Our friend was right, we got through it. However just because it's over doesn't mean we let up.
At the time, I had just signed up for a bible study on a last minute whim, with a friend.
If anyone has gone through The Armor Of God by Priscilla Shirer you know what a great teaching it is!
I still go back and refer to it occasionally. Currently, I'm reading the follow up to the study, Fervent.
It's like that extra bit of Oompfh to push you right up over the top of the mountain.
What I found out?
People are sick and tired of being the devil's doormat. Allowing him to step in and stomp all over our families, our emotions, our quiet time, our thoughts, our relationships... I could go on. There are so many people out there like you and me. We all want to feel validated. The quickest way to break the ice is to find some common ground. If you meet a new friend for coffee, you could easily start to talk yourself out of being there. Those terrible lies start to seep in and you might start feeling less than. Maybe you feel like your new friend has it all together. You start doing a check list in your head about how much better she is than you. Before you know it, you start looking for excuses to either make an early exit or, vow to have other plans next time she asks to meet up.
Wanna know something? She could very well be feeling the same way! looking at you, seeing your sweet qualities that drew her to ask you for coffee. SHE starts painting a picture in HER head about how perfect your life must be, how YOUR husband is such a great hubby and father, how YOUR house must be spotless and look like a spread from BH&G.... anyone? anyone?
This is when you have to find a "ME TOO".
Those moments when you connect with someone and realize you have something in common. The best moments are when you feel comfortable enough to share something a bit vulnerable. Connecting with the girls in my small group study, I offered up how distracted I get during my quiet time. It's something I'm working on.
However, several others offered up they also have the same problem. They began to share what works for them. I could have kept my confession to myself but, since I spoke up and shared, others began sharing. We all had a "ME TOO"moment together!
When you have "ME TOO" moments, you put each other at ease. They feel more comfortable with you and you become more real to them. Approachable. You don't have to share intimate details.
I have several girlfriends that have daughters and I have my son. Typically, it's easier to relate to moms that have boys but, I'm finding out these friends of mine often share the same struggles with their daughters as I do with my son! Sometimes, it's nice to know you aren't alone in your battles over homework and motivation.
This is why I absolutely love this quote by C.S. Lewis
Doesn't that always set you at ease? those "I thought I was the only one!" moments. It clears the nervous tension of a first time coffee date and it still tends to make those tenured friendships feel more cozy.

Linking with Bonnie Gray at #onewordcoffee
I'm so sorry your family had to walk through a rough season, Krista. I'm glad you're getting through it. Jesus doesn't promise we won't have troubles, but He has promised He'll get us through it. And however deep and dark it seems, He is getting us through it even when we don't see Him. It's hard though, isn't it? I'm so glad you have friends who support you, too. Blessings and hugs!